Insurance | Risk Management | Benefits
Food and Hospitality Insurance Program
Get in the Program and Start Saving! Sage Risk & Insurance Management is pleased to underwrite the Food and Hospitality industry insurance program. The program is underwritten by insurance carriers rated A+ by A.M. Best Company. The coverage will meet all of the insurance requirements of your landlord and service vendor contracts.
Coverage available include:
- commercial general liability (with or without liquor liability)
- workers' compensation/employers liability
- property insurance including spoilage and business interruption
- umbrella liability insurance for higher limits up to $10M
- business auto liability insurance

Find out why each day business owners are switching to SAGE
What We Write
-Franchise Quick Service Program
-Franchise Casual Dining Program
-Fine Dining Restaurants
-Tavern / Night Club | Bar
Seasonal risks, new ventures, frame construction, unprotected, entertainment accounts will be considered with prior management experience.
Key Components
-"A" Rated Admitted Paper
-Coverage Written on a BOP Form
-Annual Aggregate Limits Apply per Location
-Incidental Medical Malpractice (in GL Limits)
-No Co-Insurance Penalty (Property Coverage)
-Business Income on Actual Loss Sustained
-Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazard Applies
-Additional Insureds Automatic
(Required by Contract/Agreement/Permit Incl)
-Flexible direct bill payment options
Coverage Features
-Equipment Breakdown (Property Limit)
-Ordinance and Law Coverage
-Outdoor Signs
-Employee Dishonesty
-Food Spoilage (No Waiting Period) $50,000 limit
-Valuable Papers and Records ($25,000)
-Fine Arts Coverage ($10,000)
-Utility Service- Direct Damage
-Utility Service- Time Element
-Food Contamination/Additional Advertising Expense Coverage
-Identity Fraud Expense Coverage
Contact our office for your free evaluation, you could be overpaying by hundreds of dollars!